At Encore Trucking & Transport Ltd. we are committed to making safety, health, and environmental thinking a fundamental and integral part of every day business. We strive for zero accidents and incidents by providing continuous improvement through lines of communication, internal and external training programs, and encouraging a safety first attitude. Our program requires our employees to observe and act through hazard assessment, risk analysis and documentation for a well-rounded safety environment.
Our operators are Certified Crane and Hoisting Equipment Operators or Apprenticing for certification with the Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training program. Safety education and application is an ongoing concern at Encore. All needed safety courses are kept up to date and attendance and participation at safety meetings is mandatory.
Our equipment is fully inspected and certified. A successful maintenance program keeps our equipment in topnotch working order.
We are on the Certificate of Recognition (C O R) Program in keeping with the principles of Partnerships in Health and Safety program with Alberta Motor Transport Association. This program requires us to be safety audited every year. Encore complies with the Canada Labour Code and the Canada Occupational Safety and Health Regulations. We require that all employees, visitors and any others that may be affected by our operations share the responsibility of commitment to our company safety policy and to understand that they too have legal and moral obligations to themselves and one another.
Gold Medal Winner for Canada’s Safest Logistics and Supply Chain Employer