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The right tool for the right job
The right tool for the right job

The right tool for the right job is an old idiom that has more prevalence in today’s world. The install picture of that crane is definitely a unique job. If you look at the angle UP, and the length of that jib; one of the hardest parts of those jobs is getting that long awkward […]

Infill in Edmonton Alberta
Infill in Edmonton Alberta

Infill in Edmonton: building a home with c-cans How it all started When first contacted to do this job, moving c-cans for Copperblock, for infill in Edmonton Alberta, the c-cans were stuck out on an acreage, near Spruce Grove, with their trucker unavailable, and the site was an infill in an old neighbourhood.  I went […]

How the complications of small can demand all your skills and drain all the blood out of your brain.
How the complications of small can demand all your skills and drain all the blood out of your brain.

We installed a pizza oven…a big one…in the kitchen of a residence. There are many pictures here, ours and the homeowners; please follow along as we plug them in. The oven was 3000 lbs and had to be lifted onto a 4 ft high counter slot in the back of the room. It was already […]